Category: News

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Planting Poppies

The Sixth Form gardening team got got their hands in the mud as they began work on the Sixth Form garden and courtyard by planting poppy seeds in one of our planters. They won’t come up until the Spring but on a day of remembrance it was poignant to be laying seeds that would, in …

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Police Training Workshop

At the Sixth Form we are passionate about finding opportunities for all students to fulfil their dreams.  Several Year 12 & 13 students are interested in a career in the Police Service so we were joined by a former police officer and a current applicant for the Police Service.  They spoke passionately about the role …

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UK Parliament Week

To mark the annual UK Parliament Week, we were delighted to welcome into school Julie Elliott MP, the Member of Parliament for Sunderland Central. Julie met with our Student Council and selected other students where she answered questions about her role as a politician, how she first started in politics, what she stands for and …

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First University Offers In!

We are delighted to announce our very first University offers for this year. Within just days of sending their applications, several of our students have received offers from top Universities. These include: Chloe Watson with offers to study Biology at both Bristol and York, Suhaymah Zahraa and Maddison Wilson with offers to study Psychology at Newcastle and Christopher Watson with an offer to …

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Sixth Form Drop In Event

Join Us for a Personal Tour of the Sixth Form! We hear some of you were unable to attend our Sixth Form Open Evening on Monday 27th September. Our next event is Monday 17th January 2022 but if you don’t want to wait that long – Sixth Form is open for a drop in on …

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EPQ Excellence

Year 13 students have begun their EPQ presentations, and what a fantastic start! The following topics have been covered so far: Luke Usher wrote a transgressive novel, and had it published professionally by Blurb. Prince Eiluorior evaluated the extent to which our knowledge about space has changed over time. Matilda Barry created and marketed her own eco-friendly shampoo bar and Alice Ward created …

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