Peter Davison

Author's posts

Ernst & Young Offer Work Experience

Representatives from Ernst and Young, and Ernst and Young Foundation visited our Y12 students. They shared an exciting opportunity to sign up for PAID work experience with the company – something usually unheard of! Students have the opportunity to get experience in a range of sectors, from business and tax to cyber security and fraud, …

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Open Evening 2022

We saw a fantastic turnout for our latest Sixth Form Open Evening at Southmoor, with 141 attendees from 12 schools in our area joining us to find out what sets us apart from everyone else. We were in particular delighted to see the largest amount of interest from Sandhill View students we have ever had. This was …

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An Insight into CitiGroup

Before half term, Business students and those interested in the world of global finance enjoyed an introduction to  the world of business and finance with global investment bank and finance company, Citigroup! This virtual event was exclusive to The Sixth Form and included a presentation looking at Citigroup’s current work around the world and the …

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Law with Clifford Chance

Before half term, students in Y12 and Y13 who are either studying Law or interested in pursuing a legal career attended a virtual roundtable with employees from Magic Circle Law Firm, Clifford Chance. They heard about different routes into the profession, from university to a local apprenticeship in Newcastle. They also learned more about various …

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Join Us for Open Evening 2022!

Join us on Wednesday 2nd November at 5pm to see where we can take you on your next steps! On Wednesday 2nd November – everyone is invited to join us for our annual Sixth Form Open Evening – where future students will meet their teachers, discover new subjects and explore their future with some of the …

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Student Union Launch

We will soon be forming our first ever Sixth Form students union, which will empower students like never before to take hold of their Sixth Form experience and become responsible for different areas of Sixth Form life. Students across the Sixth Form will vote in the ‘Union board’ which will comprise of 10 students to …

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