Welcome to the Sixth Form at Southmoor

Latest News

Student Union Launch

We will soon be forming our first ever Sixth Form students union, which will empower students like never before to take hold of their Sixth Form experience and become responsible for different areas of Sixth Form life. Students across the Sixth Form will vote in the ‘Union board’ which will comprise of 10 students to …

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Thinking Film Studies

Year 13 Film Studies students spent an afternoon in Sunderland University’s Media Centre. They learned about George Orwell and Eileen O’Shaughnessy Blair, and their links with Sunderland, in a practical script-writing workshop. Drawing on dystopian themes relating to ‘1984’, they will create a 500-word script to enter into a competition, and the winner will take away …

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Seeking Social Mobility

The Social Mobility Foundation visited our Year 12 students, introducing them to programmes they can sign up for in the coming year. Successful students have the opportunity to receive long-term careers and university support in a range of sectors, including Law, Engineering and Media. Students will receive mentoring from a professional in their chosen sector, …

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