Welcome to the Sixth Form at Southmoor

Latest News

Talking Men’s Mental Health

Year 12 students Arianwen West, Emily Iley & Ellie Stobbart delivered a presentation on the importance of Men’s mental health. Evidence suggests that men are significantly less likely to use mental health services in response to a mental health issue in comparison with women, even though suicide is the biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK.  The assembly helped …

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We Can Do It!

The annual Tin Appeal was launched in assemblies by the Student Council.  Each year pupils raid their kitchen cupboards for spare tins to donate to the homeless over Christmas. This year we have set our sights high with the aim of gathering 2500 tins to smash last year’s count of 2000. Each form class has …

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Open Evening 2017

The atmosphere in the Sixth Form was buzzing on Wednesday evening as we held the first Open Evening of the academic year.  There was a fantastic turnout with students from across the city as well as Southmoor joining us to see what we are about.  Year 12 and 13 student helpers supported staff in showing …

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