Welcome to the Sixth Form at Southmoor

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In the News

Sixth Form students found themselves in front of the camera as reporters from the BBC visited to get the scoop on our recent appointment as the North East’s first OxNet hub. Year 12 and 13 students spoke to the news team of their aspirations for reaching Oxford as well as the perceived barriers that students …

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Children in Need

Sixth Form students have once again spear-headed our charity fundraising for this year’s BBC Children in Need event. Year 12 and 13 students held a bake sale in order to raise money for Prematurity charities and we have also been raising funds in the lower school with a sponsored non-uniform day.


Thanks to all our visitors who made such a valuable contribution to Remembrance assemblies, including Julie Elliott MP, the Mayor of Sunderland, Councillor Doris MacKnight and her Consort, Mr Keith MacKnight and Reverend Andrew Dowsett of Sunderland Minster.  The poignant ceremonies included poem readings, musical performances, the playing of the last post and the laying of poppy wreaths hand-crafted by our students.