Welcome to the Sixth Form at Southmoor

Latest News

Spaces Are Going Fast, Get Your Application in Now!

Our multi-award winning Sixth Form is more popular than ever and spaces for next year are already filling up fast! If you’d like to join us next year, don’t forget to check out our Virtual Open Evening page before submitting your application to us as soon as possible. Don’t miss out as we could help set you on the …

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Southmoor House Redevelopment Continues

Work continues apace at the brand-new wing of The Sixth Form. This historic Southmoor House is being transformed into a cutting-edge venue for students to enjoy. Contractors have now finished most of the rewiring and structural work and have moved to installing more of the fittings and fixtures. We are hoping to see more big changes on the run-up to Christmas, so watch …

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Year 12 Keep in Touch with University Life

Year 12 have enjoyed sessions with Newcastle and Sunderland University in their personal development time this week – thinking about summer schools and student life at university. While it might seem a way off for many there is an anticipation about the place as students begin to consider where they might like to go after …

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