Welcome to the Sixth Form at Southmoor

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Ask an Alumnus with Caitlin Clark

We’ve been keeping in touch with some of our Sixth Form Alumni to check out what they are up to but also ask them what they thought of their sixth form experience in retrospect now they have made the move to higher education and beyond. This week we speak to Caitlin Clark, who left us in …

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Young Enterprise Company Programme

We saw the launch of the Young Enterprise Company Programme, a group of Year 13 students have signed up to this fantastic programme, giving them a taste of the business world and gaining some valuable skills along the way. The students will be forming their own company, appoint a board of directors, develop an idea …

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Executive Insight

Sixth Formers had the opportunity to take part in a virtual talk with Danny Lopez. Danny has held many important positions in his career, including being the youngest ever British Consul-General to New York for 5 years, working alongside Boris Johnson when he was Mayor of London as CEO of London & Partners, and more …

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