Peter Davison

Author's posts

Year 12 Physics Students Set to Launch

  Year 12 Physics students visited the Engineering Department at Sunderland University to attend the launch of an engineering project. Dave Knapton, Principal Lecturer in Engineering, provided each group with a design brief.  The groups have just 15 hours to complete the tasks and will return to the University on Monday 25th June to show their …

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Learning About Life Skills

We were joined by associates from Barclays Life Skills to deliver workshops to Year 12 students. ‘Life Skills’ is a specially designed course, set to inspire young people to get the skills they need for a better future. This includes such things as building a job-hunting toolbox, developing personal skills, money and finance management, confidence …

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Goodbye & Good Luck Year 13

We said a very fond farewell to Year 13 students. As always, we forge long lasting relationships with pupils both past and present. We look forward to celebrating at the Year 13 Prom and are anticipating another great set of results in August before students embark upon the next phase of their futures – many …

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Turning Pink & Blue

We joined many schools and businesses in the North East in ‘turning pink and blue’ in memory of Chloe Rutherford and Liam Curry, local students who were tragic victims of last year’s Manchester Arena bombing. Students wore items of pink and blue and collected donations for the charity ‘The Together Forever Trust’ which was set up …

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Head Students End Their Tenure

Thank you and well done to Head Students Lauren Green and Poppy Butler who chaired their last Student Council meeting before they leave Sixth Form. The girls have been passionate throughout their time as part of the Council, leading their team through their various initiatives and representing the school fantastically as ambassadors. We wish them …

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Orwell Prize Preparation

Sixth Form students from across the city came to Southmoor to participate in a workshop for the prestigious Orwell Youth Prize. Ten of our students will be heading down to Oxford for the launch – we wish them luck in the competition!