Peter Davison

Author's posts

Students in the Studio

A group of 19 students attended the Northern School of Art at the Hartlepool Campus on a digital photography studio based workshop. The students worked with industry standard kit and produced some excellent outcomes both on location around the building and in the photographic studio. The Staff running the workshop commented that ‘Our students were …

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A Witness to History

The Holocaust Education Trust invited Sixth Form to watch a live Q&A webcast with Harry Spiro BEM who survived Buchenwald concentration camp and a death march to Terezin, and came to the UK alongside Robert Rinder’s grandfather Morris. Rinder asked Spiro about his background, life in the ghetto in Poland and experience in the concentration camp.

Ecological Enthusiasm

Mrs Teasdale’s Year 13 Biology A-level class have been conducting their own ecology investigations as part of their final assessed practical work.  Students designed and carried out investigations independently using a range of equipment choosing various locations including Castle Eden Dene and Ryhope Beach.

Oxplore at Southmoor

Oxplore is Oxford University’s online platform, nicknamed the home of ‘Big Questions’. Using high-level research and personal background knowledge students worked in groups to debate and discuss controversial topics including: ‘Are robots human?’, ‘Is war ever good?’ and ‘Are human friends better than online friends?’

Bella Italia

Durham University visited Sixth Form to host an Italian taster session. Within just 50 minutes students learned basic greetings, how to introduce themselves and even managed to translate an entire article in Italian using cognates – words which look similar in Italian and English. They learned about Italian culture such as when drivers flash their …

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Stage-by-Stage Careers Advice

We were delighted to host Martin Prendergast, former Director of Communications for the National Theatre, to talk to students about his past role and what to expect from pursuing a career in the entertainment industry. Martin also enlightened students with his ‘top tips’ for a successful career.