Peter Davison

Author's posts

OxNet in Durham

Successful OxNet applicants attended a Study Day at Ushaw College where they learned how to analyse gobbets of texts, debated the meaning of a ‘discipline’ and considered what truly makes a science or a humanity.  After a tour of the chapel and library filled with over 30,000 books, the day finished with a guide on …

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Realising Opportunities at Newcastle University

Sixth Formers visited Newcastle University for a ‘Realising Opportunities’ event held for schools and colleges across the region. RO is a unique collaboration of leading, research intensive universities, working together to promote fair access and social mobility of students from groups underrepresented in higher education.

Sixth Form Open Evening Success

Year 11 students from across the city attended our final Sixth Form Open Evening of this academic year for a chance to think about where they want to be in three years’ time and to chat with representatives from universities and higher apprenticeships. It was fantastic to see so many new faces from schools across …

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ARTiculation Accolade

Articulation is a National Art Speaking Competition where approximately 4,000 young people a year take part in 10 regions in England, an equal balance of state maintained and independent schools take part throughout the competition. Margot Stead of Year 12 has won the North East Regional Final and will compete at Cambridge University in March against all of …

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Holocaust Memorial Assembly

In assemblies Mr. Woods along with Year 13 students Fletcher Forster and Jake Frost recounted their visit to Auschwitz last year to help mark Holocaust Memorial Day this Sunday. They shared not only a brief history of the crimes committed in the Nazi camps but also reflected upon how the visit had impacted their way of thinking.

Wargames Workshop

Representatives from the CND Peace Education group visited Sixth Form to talk about nuclear weapons and encourage debate about whether we should them or not. Students learned  how nuclear weapons could affect Sunderland – for example, if we were hit by the ‘Tsar bomba’ invented by the USSR, the radiation would spread as far as Whitby. Students took part …

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