Peter Davison

Author's posts

Next Step Northumbria

Next Stop Northumbria  Northumbria University are hosting an additional offer holder’s event on Thursday 29th June called Next Stop Northumbria. The event is exclusively for students, and their parents/carers, who are holding a firm or insurance offer with Northumbria University. Next Stop Northumbria will allow attendees the chance to meet and speak to staff across the …

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Berlin Beckons

The MFL department are organising a visit to the German capital city of Berlin. This will take place from 14th to 17th December 2023. During the visit, students will have the opportunity to explore this fascinating city, take a tour to the top of the famous TV tower, sample German culture and cuisine. As the trip takes place …

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Exam Season is Upon Us!

Exam preparation is reaching a crescendo over recent weeks as we draw ever closer to the end of Year exams. The results of the Year 13 Mini Mocks have been shared with students and they have been given individual feedback to close the gaps in their learning. Art and Photography were the first subject to …

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Sociology Skills Workshop with Durham University

Our Year 12 sociologists spent the afternoon last week being real-life researchers, and putting their knowledge of research methods into a practical context. They attended a workshop with Emma Maslin of Durham University, and explored the process of researching student experience in Southmoor Sixth Form. They considered the logistics and ethics of conducting interviews, questionnaires …

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Sexual Health Discussions

Over the coming weeks we are being joined by David Messenger who is the Sexual Health Outreach Lead for the area will be coming into school to provide students, from Years 9 – 13, with sessions on Sexual Health. The sessions cover everything from learning about the realities around sex, learning about genitalia, human reproduction …

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Duke of Edinburgh Practice

Year 12 and 13 students have begun their Duke of Edinburgh practice expedition today. The group must carry all of their equipment with them as they set out on this walk and will be setting up camp this evening and cooking for themselves on portable stoves. Students are all in great spirits so far despite …

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