Peter Davison

Author's posts

Year 13 Oxbridge Workshop

Our Year 13 Oxbridge applicants took part in a small group workshop to find out more about the admissions process, including admissions tests and interviews. They then broke off into subject groups and interviewed each other with example questions.

Alumni Student Councillors

Two Sunderland Councillors were invited into school to discuss the role of local government to our Year 12 Law students. The Councillors were both former Southmoor students! Martyn Herron and Lyall Reed talked to the students about topics ranging from dealing with antisocial behaviour in the area, to how Sunderland Council spends its £100m budget. It was …

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Sunderland University Art Showcase

Fiona Larkin from Sunderland University visited the Art department to outline to our current Year 13 Art and Photography students the expectations for applying to University and how to create a portfolio to submit. The students received one-to-one advice from Fiona and are looking forward to attending workshops at Sunderland University on Wednesday 28th September.

NE1 Can

Psychology hosted a digital Careers Event with NE1Can called ‘Behind Bars, Exploring Careers with the Prison Service’. This session included students from year 12 and 13 from Psychology and Sociology and it gave them the opportunity to explore employability behind bars and learn all about what it takes to work in Britain’s Prison Service. They …

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A Visit from Dr Ian Chappie

We welcomed Professor Iain Chapple, a professor of Periodontology and head of the School of Dentistry at the University of Birmingham. Ian spoke to our Year 12 students about the “Seven Ages of Man”, a truly inspirational presentation about life through his lens. Ian studied at Southmoor and we were truly honoured to have him return to …

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Study Sensei with Elevate Education

Elevate Education visited the Sixth Form to deliver their Study Sensei workshop to a group of our Year 12 students The workshop shows students how to fully utilise the syllabus to frame study, how to organise notes through structuring and reviewing, utilising practice exam papers and developing a deep understanding of topics through conceptual and independent learning.