Peter Davison

Author's posts

Thinking Film Studies

Year 13 Film Studies students spent an afternoon in Sunderland University’s Media Centre. They learned about George Orwell and Eileen O’Shaughnessy Blair, and their links with Sunderland, in a practical script-writing workshop. Drawing on dystopian themes relating to ‘1984’, they will create a 500-word script to enter into a competition, and the winner will take away …

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Seeking Social Mobility

The Social Mobility Foundation visited our Year 12 students, introducing them to programmes they can sign up for in the coming year. Successful students have the opportunity to receive long-term careers and university support in a range of sectors, including Law, Engineering and Media. Students will receive mentoring from a professional in their chosen sector, …

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Alumni Success

We recently received an update from two of our alumni, Laura and Lucy Giles, who are both studying Medicine at Sunderland University, Laura now in her fourth year and Lucy starting her second. Laura was recently selected to be part of the 30 year anniversary of Sunderland University exhibition, where she featured in an art piece created by Kathryn Robertson and recorded a …

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History with Adrian Green

Our KS5 Historians were treated to a talk by Dr Adrian Green who is the Associate Professor for Early Modern British and American History. He talked to them about the connection between the two most famous Stuart kings (Charles and his son James) and the North East. They were given expert breakdowns of the strategic importance of …

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Year 12 Super Curricular Assembly

Hannah Snell visited us from Oxford University, and spoke about the importance of engaging with super-curricular activities in Year 12. We learned about the difference between super-curricular and extra-curricular, and got tips about where to find extra research, from Oxplore to ‘The Infinite Monkey Cage’.

Sunderland University Visit

  The whole of the Sixth Form visited Sunderland University for the afternoon. This is the first event as part of the school’s exciting new partnership with our local university. During the afternoon, students had the opportunity to take part in one taster lecture from a range of subjects including Nursing, Media, Criminology, Psychology and many …

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