Peter Davison

Author's posts

Understanding Apprenticeships

We welcomed Donna Mills from ASK (Apprenticeship Service) to talk to our Year 12 students about higher and degree level apprenticeships. This is a real alternative pathway for students to follow when they finish Year 13. There are a huge range of apprenticeships available with some very big businesses both locally and nationally. If students …

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First Choice at Sunderland University

Sunderland University ran a workshop as part of their ‘First Choice’ programme. Students learned more about what university life entails, and discussed their hopes and fears in terms of pursuing higher education. On completion of this programme, students will attend a subject-specific summer school, and will be eligible for UCAS points to put towards a …

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Degrees on Offer at Newcastle

We were delighted to welcome Katie and Tom from Newcastle College who spoke to Year 12 about the exciting range of degrees that are available at the Newcastle College University Centre. The centre offers degrees in many subjects including aviation, business, childcare, computing, engineering, music, policing and many more. The centre also has links to …

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Social Mobility Offerings

We welcomed Rose Firth from the SMBP (Social Mobility Business Partnership) along with Jane Taylor and Lynsey McCabe from the Elephant Group, and Catherine Boland from the Careers & Enterprise Company, to talk to invited Year 12 students about the amazing work experience opportunity that is open to students this summer in Sunderland. Rose explained …

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All Set for Cookery Club

Starting this week, students are invited to attend a 6-session course, creating brilliant, beginners budget meals in the newly refurbished cooking rooms! Places are limited so students need to sign up quickly with Mr Carter  or Miss Zakaidze. Those that sign up to the course will be shown how to make 6, easy, quick and nutritious …

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Teach First Success

Year 12 student Ava Wotherspoon has been successful in her application to join the Pupil Forum ran by Teach First. Teacher First is a charity fighting to make our education system work for every child. Ava will start her time with the Pupil Forum by attending an online work experience placement from 13 – 17 …

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