Peter Davison

Author's posts

Study Leave Correspondence

Please find below recent correspondence with Year 12 & 13 parents Letter to Parents Regarding Year 12 Study Leave Letter to Parents Regarding Year 13 Study Leave

SHV at the Sixth Form

Just before the end of term last year we invited a group of Year 11 students from our partner school, Sandhill View Academy, to visit Sixth Form and experience a taste of life after GCSEs. Our visitors experienced taster lessons in English, Law and Biology and chatted with current Sixth Formers (whom include Sandhill View …

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Michael is ARTiculate

Sixth Form student Michael Beattie successfully competed against 4000 applicants to achieve third place in the prestigious ‘ARTiculation Prize’ held in association with Cambridge University at Clare College, Cambridge. The ARTiculation Prize has been designed to give young people a forum in which they are able to express their own ideas on art. The competition …

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Revision Retreat

Students from the Sixth Form and Year 11 recently visited the idyllic Lake District on a revision retreat.  There was a focus on stretching students from across the Multi Academy Trust in their GCSE English Literature studies.  A Level students were on hand to support and share their experience of Sixth Form so far.

Baltic Brilliance

Our current AS and A level Fine Art and Photography students ventured to the Baltic Contemporary Gallery to kick start their own investigations in support of their exam. The students showed a really positive attitude and were engaged with all aspects of the work on show. The Photography groups also visited ‘The Side’ photographic gallery …

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Project Perfection

Students have been presenting their extended projects to a panel of Sixth Form staff. From a photographic project on the changing nature of women’s fashion, to an experiment in altering the genetic makeup of wheat, via a fully functional computer game, the things our students have achieved independently are truly breathtaking. Well done!