Peter Davison

Author's posts

Baltic Brilliance

Our current AS and A level Fine Art and Photography students ventured to the Baltic Contemporary Gallery to kick start their own investigations in support of their exam. The students showed a really positive attitude and were engaged with all aspects of the work on show. The Photography groups also visited ‘The Side’ photographic gallery …

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Project Perfection

Students have been presenting their extended projects to a panel of Sixth Form staff. From a photographic project on the changing nature of women’s fashion, to an experiment in altering the genetic makeup of wheat, via a fully functional computer game, the things our students have achieved independently are truly breathtaking. Well done!

Information Evening 2017

We had our best turnout yet for the latest Sixth Form Open Evening. This was a chance for students to think about where they want to be in three years time, and with seven universities and three higher apprenticeship providers in attendance, they had plenty of people to talk to. But even better than talking …

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Offers of a Lifetime!

Offers have started to flood in for our sixth form students from universities across the country, but special mention has to go to Adam Liddle who has secured a place studying Natural Sciences at Christ’s College Cambridge.  Adam is a hugely talented scientist who has passed the most rigorous application process in the country – we …

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Adding to their Success

On Tuesday 7 November 5 students from sixth form were entered for the senior UK Maths Challenge. The Senior Challenge is aimed at all 16 – 19 year olds studying mathematics. The challenge involves answering 25 multiple choice questions in 90 minutes and is sat in school under normal exam conditions. Our Sixth Formers who rose to …

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All in the Mind

Last week our sixth form students took part in a ‘ThinkWell’ workshop, which focused on mental health and emotional well-being. The initiative was set up by Jonny Benjamin and the session followed his story, “Stranger on a Bridge”, which has attracted worldwide media attention. Our students left the session much more aware of signs to …

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