Year 12 Work Experience Launch

Mr Wareham launched the opportunity for our Year 12 students to take part in a Work Experience placement in July. For many students, this is the first time that they have been offered the opportunity to go out of school and actually physically work with an employer. Work Experience is a fantastic opportunity for our students to gain experience of working with an employer, learning about key employability skills, and thinking about their possible future plans. Students have been given an introduction into the procedure for gaining a work placement. There are two forms that need returning to Miss Zakaidze in the Sixth Form: a parental consent form needs returning as soon as possible, and this is then followed by a placement form which is completed by the employer and handed in as soon as a placement has been found. We then have to carry out health and safety checks before the placement is confirmed.
Full details and copies of all the relevant forms can be found on the school website.