Welcome to the Sixth Form at Southmoor

Latest News

UCAS Update

Year 12 have started to complete their online UCAS forms for their university applications and are now beginning to draft their personal statements. They will complete full drafts of these before returning in September.

Sports Ambassadors Take a Trip to Valley Road

Callum Davison, Euan Strachan and Ben Sawyers from Year 12 took a trip to Valley Road Academy to support the running of their commonwealth sports day. They took to the responsibility brilliantly, leading sessions for Year 5 students on balancing, shooting and jumping skills – even giving them a go at archery with our school …

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Spotlight on Work Experience Placements

Most of our Year 12  students have now secured a placement following our 1-2-1 work experience support sessions. Students will begin their placements on the week commencing 11th July. A few highlights from the various placements include: Faiza Begum Herdmans Chemist Thomas Nicholson Sainsbury’s Pharmacy Jasmien Casey Sunderland Mind Amber Devlin  Dame Dorothy Primary School Simran Dhillon Busy Bees Nursery Emily Harrison Newcastle Hospital …

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