Welcome to the Sixth Form at Southmoor

Latest News

Top of the Pups

On Thursday, we had four furry visitors on site to be assessed for being therapy dogs. The four dogs were brought in by members of our staff,  each had an allocated slot to spend with sixth form students and another to be assessed for their suitability. Watch this space!

Cookery Club Continues

Cookery club continued, with Miss Zakaidze helping students to develop their cookery skills, by their hand at making their own Pizzas. After the course, students will receive a recipe book with all the meals they have created so that they can replicate them in the future. If students want to take part in future sessions, they must sign up with …

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Through the Lens at Sunderland University

A group of our Year 12 and Year 13 Photography students visited Sunderland University for a studio workshop. They worked in 4 different studio spaces with different light set ups. Thank you to Sunderland Univeristy for accommodating us, we hope to visit them again soon!