Welcome to the Sixth Form at Southmoor

Latest News

Offers of a Lifetime!

Offers have started to flood in for our sixth form students from universities across the country, but special mention has to go to Adam Liddle who has secured a place studying Natural Sciences at Christ’s College Cambridge.  Adam is a hugely talented scientist who has passed the most rigorous application process in the country – we …

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Adding to their Success

On Tuesday 7 November 5 students from sixth form were entered for the senior UK Maths Challenge. The Senior Challenge is aimed at all 16 – 19 year olds studying mathematics. The challenge involves answering 25 multiple choice questions in 90 minutes and is sat in school under normal exam conditions. Our Sixth Formers who rose to …

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All in the Mind

Last week our sixth form students took part in a ‘ThinkWell’ workshop, which focused on mental health and emotional well-being. The initiative was set up by Jonny Benjamin and the session followed his story, “Stranger on a Bridge”, which has attracted worldwide media attention. Our students left the session much more aware of signs to …

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