Welcome to the Sixth Form at Southmoor

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Far Flung Visitors to the Sixth Form

We welcomed representatives from Sandhill View’s charity link school, St John’s School in Tanzania. After their tour of our sister school, Grace and Festo joined us for a look at Sixth Form so they could fully grasp the transition stage from primary school right up to further education. They were very impressed by our wonderful Sixth Form and …

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Goodbye Year 11

We said goodbye to Year 11 having released them from all but their remaining exam timetables. Students have worked incredibly hard in revision sessions over the last few terms and will hopefully reap the rewards of their efforts in August! They have been a fantastic year group and we all wish them the very best …

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Students Snap Up Photography Workshop

A group of A level Photography students visited the Photography Department at Sunderland University for a studio-based workshop and tour of the facilities for the degree course. They were taught how to read lighting in a photograph and how to apply the techniques to their own work. It was a practical session with some excellent …

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