Welcome to the Sixth Form at Southmoor

Latest News

Final Fling for Year 13

Year 13 students gave themselves a send-off in style by enjoying their Prom in the impressive surroundings of Lumley Castle. Sixth Form staff and students enjoyed their last big get-together before those all-important results arrive in August.

Year 12 Activities Day

Year 12 students took the chance to have fun and unwind after a busy first year in Sixth Form. Students enjoyed their chance to have fun with a giant inflatable assault course before finishing off the day with a barbecue cooked with usual finesse by ‘Head Chef’ Mrs Gilberston. Bring on Year 13!

Law Abiding Students

Year 12 students visited the University of Law in Leeds where they took part in activities including exploring confessions and rights when arrested, PACE (police and criminal evidence act), writing an opening argument for the defence and they even became the defence barristers for The Bridgewater Four! They then rounded off the visit with a debate …

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