Welcome to the Sixth Form at Southmoor

Latest News

Summer School at Oxford

A group of Year 13 students had the opportunity to take part in Oxford University’s OxNet Summer School where delegates from Southmoor and around the region travelled to Oxford to take part in the ‘Ordered Universe’ project. You can view student’s thoughts from the visit in this video.  

Oxford on Applications

Continuing the Oxford theme, we welcomed Eylan Ezekiel from Oxford who wanted to find out the views of teachers about barriers to students applying to Oxford. Staff discussed a variety of issues including the fact that 43% of state secondary school teachers rarely or never advise their most able pupils to apply to Oxbridge – …

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Considering a Creative Career

The Northern School of Art delivered a presentation to Sixth Form and GCSE students with an interest in pursuing a career in the creative industry. Students were introduced to the wide range of creative courses available from Graphic Design to Fashion, Photography and Interior Design.