Welcome to the Sixth Form at Southmoor

Latest News

Having Fun with Photograms

A group of students attended The Northern School of Photography at Sunderland University for a ‘Photograms’ workshop where they had the chance to use a traditional photography dark room and chemical processing.

David Hodgson Lecture

David Hodgson, creator of ‘The Buzz’ personality quiz, visited our Year 12 students. He helped them to think about their different personality types based on different criteria such as where they get their energy from, how they take in information, how they make decisions and their attitude to life. Each student was given an animal …

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Sixth Form Open Evening 2018

  We’re the place to take you places in life, with so many amazing courses to choose from, and a fantastic reputation in getting the best from our students, we could be the starting point on your route to an exciting and satisfying career. With more of our pupils than ever going to top Russell …

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