Welcome to the Sixth Form at Southmoor

Latest News

Medical Marvels

Congratulations to Laura Giles and Deanna Wyness for having received some of the first offers to Medical School institutions this year. Laura has received an offer from Sunderland University whilst Deanna has one from Newcastle University. Watch this space for more news on where our Sixth Formers are headed as more of our students learn …

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The Addams Family

Our production of ‘The Addams Family’ came to a close, after delighting hundreds of guests across the four nights. Thanks so much for all the support and praise. The cast and crew really appreciated the encouragement.

OxNet Thinks Big

Professor Richard Bower from Durham University ran this year’s first OxNet Seminar on the topic of Cosmology. Our minds were boggled as we discussed questions like ‘How big is the universe?’ and ‘Does the universe have a beginning?’.  The session ended with students having a go on a VR headset, watching the formation of the …

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