Welcome to the Sixth Form at Southmoor

Latest News

Yet More Success Stories for the Sixth Form at Southmoor Academy with one in three grades at A – A*

The Sixth Form at Southmoor has had another year of fantastic results – with a third of our grades at A/A*, 71% at A*-C, an increasing number of students gaining AAB including at least 2 facilitating subjects, and 100% A*-C in Maths, English Language, English Literature, Drama, Fine Art and Photography. But for us it’s …

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Clearing 2019: what students can expect and how they can succeed

  An excellent article with good advice for students who will be collecting their A-Level results from us this week. Results will be available for collection from us at 7:30am on Thursday 15th August. Good luck!

Health & Social by the Seaside

Year 12 health and social students visited CU Scarborough University for a taster of university life and to take part in interactive subject based sessions. They learned about Scarborough’s unique employer-led courses, visited facilities including a nursing room and the sports centre, and of course enjoyed visiting Scarborough in the sun! Coventry has been voted …

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