Welcome to the Sixth Form at Southmoor

Latest News

Sixth Form Students get Global Commercial

Cushman & Wakefield presented to Sixth Formers about potential career routes and higher apprenticeships on offer within their company which is a huge global organisation with offices around the world.  They deal with major commercial property projects including offices, shops and restaurants.

Year 11 Take on Transition

We welcomed more students than ever from Southmoor and across the city as new recruits to our Sixth Form. We hosted a jam-packed two day transition event with lots of team bonding activities and a series of taster lessons. We look forward to seeing our new recruits in September for their official enrolment into Sunderland’s …

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Introducing Our New Head Students!

The election took place for our new Head Students.  All pupils were balloted to choose their representatives. As ever, the competition was very close but we can now proudly congratulate Roop Kang & Ricky Prentice  who have been elected to represent their peers for the next year. Well done to everyone involved!