Welcome to the Sixth Form at Southmoor

Latest News

Creating a Buzz

David Hodgson, founder of ‘The Buzz’ personality quiz, visited Year 12. He gave them an insight into how to make the most out of Sixth Form, specifically by understanding their own personality types. Students completed a personality quiz based on the Myers-Briggs personality theory and found out which animal they were – be it sea …

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Laying Down the Law

Thank you to Dr. Josh Jowitt, a lecturer from Newcastle University Law School, who spoke to Year 13 students who are considering law as a degree subject. The class looked at concepts of law, examined common morality and talked about the legal systems that form the core of our society.

Medical School Motivation

A representative from Newcastle University visited aspiring doctors in Year 12 to introduced them to the four pillars of medical ethics. Students learned how to spot these pillars in real life and debated different ethical scenarios that might arise. This tested their decision-making, something which they will have to do in their admissions exam and …

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