Welcome to the Sixth Form at Southmoor

Latest News

Hands On Psychology Lesson

Durham University student Anha Jhuremalani delivered a ‘hands on’ session to our Year 12 students called the ‘rubber hand illusion’. Students got to carry out the experiment themselves which links into neuroplasticity and sensation synchrony. Students found that when they touched the real hand and the rubber hand synchronously, they felt as if the rubber …

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Support for our Society

Sixth Formers taking part in the Tyne & Wear Citizens Project recently shared their work gathering testimonies from their community with leaders from across Tyne and Wear.  The project aims to build a broad alliance of civil society institutions for social justice and the common good.  Students proved to be excellent representatives helping the wider …

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Shining Light on Physics

OxNet Seminar 2 saw students exploring Physics with Brian Tanner, Emeritus Professor of Physics at Durham University. He introduced them to the notion of collaborative reading by demonstrating an image-formation experiment. This involved students carefully observing a coin’s supposed change of position as water was poured into a vessel, demonstrating refraction at water-air interface. The …

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