Welcome to the Sixth Form at Southmoor

Latest News

Pizza Perfection

Our Sixth Form enrichment programme is in full swing, and our students are enjoying a variety of topics and classes. A firm favourite amongst our students is the weekly cookery classes we provide where students can learn valuable skills on how to make simple yet tasty dishes that will come in very handy should they …

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Careers Cafe Continues

Our weekly Careers Cafe continued last week and we were delighted to welcome into school Emma Dudley, a former Southmoor student, to talk informally with our students about Careers at HM Customs & Revenue. This is a governmental department that handles taxes, national insurance, support contributions and much more. It is part of the civil …

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Sixth Form Student Union Meets

The Sixth Form Student Union met for the first time, on Thursday, to begin discussing their priorities for the year and ideas that had been passed to them by their peers. All students were in attendance and started with head students Amelia Woods and Jacob Hauxwell feeding back to the group regarding the whole-school student council meeting earlier that …

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