Welcome to the Sixth Form at Southmoor

Latest News

Transition Programme Week 2

Even though we are in uncertain times please be reassured that places offered at The Sixth Form are safeguarded for all Southmoor Year 11 students.  To make the transition between Year 11 and 12 smooth and successful we have designed a 12 week programme of study to help build the skills and knowledge you need …

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Our Transition Programme is Here

Even though we are in uncertain times, please be reassured that places offered at The Sixth Form are safeguarded. We are really looking forward to welcoming our students next year.  In order to make the transition between Year 11 and Year 12 smooth and successful we have designed a 12 week programme of study to help you build …

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Med School Report

We’re delighted to report that Sixth Form Alumni Laura Giles is doing exceptionally well as one of the first wave of students at Sunderland University’s brand new Medical School. BBC Look North featured a report on the students in which Laura participated. You can watch the report by clicking here.