Welcome to the Sixth Form at Southmoor

Latest News

EPQ Excellence

Sandhill View students transitioning to our Sixth Form are making some excellent debuts to Sixth Form life with their EPQ mini-projects. Finlay Anderson wrote this excellent article on the diminishing love for football over recent years whilst Phoebe Moulding questioned if the supernatural is real. Excellent work, we can’t wait to see more!

Transition Week 11

We are really looking forward to you joining our community in September. We are in the process of creating your tutor groups and timetable so please confirm your place at Southmoor Sixth Form by following the link on the button below. Confirm your place at The Sixth Dorm at Southmoor this September using the link below. …

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Transition Programme Week 10

Welcome to Week 10 – to finish off your subject specific work your teachers have given you something extra to do as a tasty treat! A fun activity – something light hearted. Enjoy! Click the subjects to begin. Send us anything you have completed to: Info@southmoormat.co.uk – mark for the attention of Mrs Bagshaw. Extra stamps and credit – thank you …

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