Welcome to the Sixth Form at Southmoor

Latest News

All About Equans

Laura from Equans came into school to speak to a group of Sixth Form students who are interested in future Apprenticeships with the organisation. Laura gave the students information about the types of roles that are available with this multinational organisation and when they can start applying for apprenticeships.

Exploring Apprenticeships at Accenture

A group of Sixth Form students had a rare opportunity last Wednesday to visit the Advanced Technology Centre at Accenture in Newcastle. During the visit, students were able to find out more about the range of apprenticeships that are available with worldwide organisation Accenture. Accenture have contracts for many major businesses to develop the latest …

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Seeking STEM Cells with Anthony Nolan

Anthony Nolan returned to sixth form on Tuesday to give our students access to sign up to be Hero’s by registering for stem cell donation.  Anthony Nolan have sent us their thanks as they recruited an amazing 27 potentially lifesaving donors! That is incredible! Well done to all the students who put themselves forward.  For more information …

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