
History A level encourages you to understand and think intelligently about aspects of modern history, topics are covered at much greater detail than at GCSE level, however, what most students find most rewarding is the attempt to understand, evaluate and analyse the past.

Questions at A level are designed to make you think critically about the material and to formulate your own assessments. You will learn to make judgements about the policies of individual leaders and nations, or to analyse the causes of a particular event and evaluate the importance of different factors and write well-organised and clearly explained essays giving your answer. 

History is a highly valued and respected subject. Progression to a History or History related degree (for example politics, Archaeology or American Studies) can lead to broad career opportunities, for example: law, television, research, politics journalism, publishing, business and management. 

Entry Requirements

Grade 5 in GCSE History and GCSE English Literature.

<b>A-Level Course Content</b>

Unit 1: Breadth Study 

  • Stuart Britain and the Crisis of Monarchy, 1603-1649 

Unit 2: Depth Study 

  • Democracy and Nazi Germany, 1918-1933

Non-examined coursework 

  • This unit focuses on the Civil Rights Movement