Monitoring your Progress
In order to ensure that students are able to achieve their full potential, the pastoral team and subject teachers will monitor the progress of each Sixth Former, particularly during the first, term when Year 12 students are settling in. If we have concerns over effort, deadlines, independent study or other issues then a meeting will be arranged with the student. Teachers and students then agree on an action plan, which may involve extra work to reinforce weak areas, changing a subject, dropping a subject or even repeating the year.
Effective tracking of students’ attendance and progress on their courses soon identifies any who fall behind or need extra assistance. Leaders do all they can to ensure that students meet their targets and apply for higher education courses.
Ofsted report: Tracking
Support & Guidance
We are here to prepare you to move on to the most suitable pathway for you from the day that you leave us.
Our specialist careers team will support you in making decisions and choices for your future. We have a dedicated Careers Hub with a range of careers information, university prospectuses and online resources. Whatever your future plans may be, we have a fully qualified Careers Advisor who is available to discuss your individual career plans. You are guaranteed an individual Careers Guidance interview before you leave the Sixth Form to discuss your progression choices. In addition, we host a number of events throughout your time in Sixth Form to support you to make informed choices about your progression routes:
- Our Annual Careers Fair, featuring over 45 representatives from Higher Education, Apprenticeship and Training Providers, and local and national employers
- Specialist seminars and presentations from local and national employers representing different sectors
- Workshops from ASK (Apprenticeships Support and Knowledge) and local apprenticeship providers
- In-school and out-of-school Higher education events
- Trips to universities across the country
- Visiting speakers from Russell Group universities
- Opportunities to explore life after Sixth Form through our Personal Development programme
- A range of talks from inspirational speakers from the world of business, politics, sport and more
- A range of talks to find out more about Student Finance,gap years, study abroad and more