Congratulations to James Mapstone in Year 13 who has successfully secured himself a highly sought after work experience placement with The Biorenewables Development Centre, working as part of their program, ‘Imagining a World Without Waste – Careers That Can Save the Planet!’. The company are partnered with The University of York and are a leading company in exciting advances in the conversion of plants and wastes into products and/or energ sources. As well as learning about these processes and seeing some of the research that has been growing in recent years, this placement will also give James an acute insight into bioengineering and the vital role that it will play in bringing reducing waste and advancing communities towards green energy targets – something that will impact us all!
All students in year 12 are expected to undertake one course of work experience this year and we are working hard to meet this goal in time for work experience week, the week commencing 5th July when all Year 12s will be out and about, or in school, undertaking crucial work experience.