Category: News

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Yet More Success Stories for the Sixth Form at Southmoor Academy

Early analysis of our A Level results is showing some very pleasing outcomes with high levels of students achieving grades A*-C with notable successes in Biology, Geography, History, Maths, Music, Law& Psychology.   This means that we are now placing our students in some of the most prestigious institutions in the country.  Congratulations to all …

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Pitch Preparation

Intrepid students who are part of our Duke of Edinburgh Award Challenge set out at the weekend on the final part of their journey.  The group will be heading to out to weather the outdoors and test the skills they have learned along the way. As part of this, students took the time to practice their …

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Easter Revision Timetable

Please find below the details of revision sessions for Year 13 over Easter 2018. You must meet your teacher at main reception to be signed in and escorted to the venue.   Tuesday 3rd April Year 12 Physics 9am-12pm (PD) Year 13 physics 12.30pm-3pm (PD) AS Sociology 8.30am-10.30am (LB) AS Law 10.30am-12.30pm (LB) A2 Law …

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School Performance Tables 2017

We are delighted to highlight our fantastic performance in this week’s release of the school performance tables which show our A level progress to be competing strongly at national level and leading the way locally. We look forward to building on this strong performance and delivering some of the best outcomes for students in our …

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Sixth Form Progression Evening 2018

Thank you to everyone that joined us on Wednesday for our final open evening of the academic year. Wednesday night saw the best ever turnout for our Sixth Form Open Evening which was a chance for students to think about their future.  With universities and higher apprenticeship providers in attendance, guests had plenty of people …

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Open Evening 2017

The atmosphere in the Sixth Form was buzzing on Wednesday evening as we held the first Open Evening of the academic year.  There was a fantastic turnout with students from across the city as well as Southmoor joining us to see what we are about.  Year 12 and 13 student helpers supported staff in showing …

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