Recently, we have set up an excellent Fluency Reading Programme in conjunction with Shotton Hall Academy. We have superb mentors from both Year 12 and Year 10 assisting selected Year 7 pupils in their reading, with an emphasis on reading fluently which aids understanding. The programme, so far, is a huge success and is being …
Category: News
These posts will appear on the News page
Dec 09
Sizing Up the Social Sector
Last week, we welcomed representatives from the NHS Family Nurse Partnership, who hosted a session focussed upon career pathways in the health and social care sector. Year 12 and 13 Health & Social Care students were able to find out more about routes into various roles, and consider the skills and qualities required. The session was …
Dec 02
A Taste of Sixth Form
On Friday afternoon, students in Year 11 who would like to continue studying in the Sixth Form at Southmoor Academy next year, had the opportunity to take part in a range of different taster lessons in each of the subjects that will be available next year. These taster lessons gave students the opportunity to experience …
Nov 25
Sixth Form Consider Careers Fair
On Thursday our Year 12 and 13 students had the chance to visit the annual Careers Fair. This year over 70 organisations came into school to engage with students throughout the morning. Visitors this year included all of the local higher education providers, and some from further afield, all of the local further education providers, …
Nov 18
Students Have Spark
On Wednesday 13th November, some of our Year 12 students were invited to Sunderland University for a tour of the media facilities at St Peters Campus, which was followed by a live radio interview for Spark FM! Poppy Tomlinson and Ruby Clark, alongside Miss Knott, shared their personal experiences of Southmoor and the Sixth Form to …
Nov 18
Budget Balancing Students
A group of Year 12 Business students had the opportunity to spend the day at the Newcastle offices of PwC (Pricewaterhouse Coopers), one of the largest professional services firms in the world. Students faced challenging tasks around financial literacy, intoducing them to payslips, income tax and national insurance. They were able to set realistic budgets …