Category: News

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Top of the Pups

On Thursday, we had four furry visitors on site to be assessed for being therapy dogs. The four dogs were brought in by members of our staff,  each had an allocated slot to spend with sixth form students and another to be assessed for their suitability. Watch this space!

Join Us for Open Evening 2022!

Join us on Wednesday 2nd November at 5pm to see where we can take you on your next steps! On Wednesday 2nd November – everyone is invited to join us for our annual Sixth Form Open Evening – where future students will meet their teachers, discover new subjects and explore their future with some of the …

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A Level Results Day 2022

Results at Southmoor Academy Sixth Form, after what has been an extremely challenging two years were exceptional. Once again, the pass rate at A-level in all subjects is 100%.  100% pass rate in all vocational subjects A clear majority of students will be moving on to the first-choice university places. Across the results there were …

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Raising & Giving Winners Celebrate

Last week we celebrated the success of our recent ‘Raising & Giving’ campaign in school with the form who managed to raise the most money for their selected charity through their clever and creative fundraising ideas that included bake sales and ‘guess the sweets in the jar’ stalls. Well done to Phoenix 7B who were …

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Year 12 Work Experience

Last week, we launched the opportunity for our Year 12 students to take part in a Work Experience placement in July. This is the first time that we have been able to offer our students the opportunity to go out of school and actually physically work with an employer for over 2 years. Work Experience …

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Duke of Edinburgh Pupils Out for Adventure

Year 12 and 13 students have begun their Silver Duke of Edinburgh practice expedition on Friday, walking from Aysgarth Falls to Newbiggin in North Yorkshire – roughly 12miles. The group must carry all of their equipment with them as they set out on this walk and will be setting up camp this evening and cooking …

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