Category: Front Page

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Opportunities, Projects & Presentations at PwC

Last Thursday our Year 12 A Level Business students were treated to a full day of activities at the Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP (PwC) Newcastle Offices.  One of the four largest international accounting and professional services firms in the world there was a lot to learn about. Students heard from Directors, Consultants, Tech specialists and Administration …

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National Apprenticeship Show

On Tuesday morning last week we attending the National Apprenticeship Show at the Utilita Arena in Newcastle where students in attendance visited an array of employers and training providers for post-18 education. Students particularly enjoyed the Armed Forces section of the show where they were able to take on various team-building and problem-solving activities that …

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Sixth Form Open Evening 2023

We saw a fantastic turnout for our latest Sixth Form Open Evening at Southmoor, this week, with students and their parents from schools from across the area flocking to find out more about the special level of support we give our students. This was a chance for potential sixth formers to check out why we …

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Interview Workshop

Year 13 students who have applied to Oxford and Cambridge attended an interview workshop last week, looking at the skills they will need to be successful. They practiced ‘thinking out loud’ as they worked their way through questions relating to Law, History and the Sciences.  

Pizza Perfection

Our Sixth Form enrichment programme is in full swing, and our students are enjoying a variety of topics and classes. A firm favourite amongst our students is the weekly cookery classes we provide where students can learn valuable skills on how to make simple yet tasty dishes that will come in very handy should they …

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Careers Cafe Continues

Our weekly Careers Cafe continued last week and we were delighted to welcome into school Emma Dudley, a former Southmoor student, to talk informally with our students about Careers at HM Customs & Revenue. This is a governmental department that handles taxes, national insurance, support contributions and much more. It is part of the civil …

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