Category: Front Page

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Careers Cafe Serving Workplace Advice

Our first ever Careers Cafe event saw Kier Construction and Speakers for Schools providing advice and answering questions for interested students. Our Careers Cafe events occur every Monday in Southmoor House and play host to different businesses each week.

The Sixth Form Remembers Them

Armistices Day was marked in the Sixth Form, as it was across Southmoor Academy with the playing of the last post and a series of reflective photographs. In addition, students in the Sixth Form got creative and made their own poppies out of craft materials which has been displayed at The Sixth Form entrance as …

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UCAS Update

Several of our students have received prestigious university offers during the half-term break.  Estelle Onwuka, Emily Doughty and Leona Barker have received offers to study English Literature at universities including Warwick, York and Manchester whilst Adil Hussain has received an offer to study Biology at Newcastle. Sam Ford (University of York) and Matthew Patterson (Manchestser University) have both received offers to study Psychology and Lainie Hulley has …

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Student Union Elected

The election took place for our new Aspire Students Union.  All students were balloted to choose their representatives. As ever, the competition was very close but we can now proudly congratulate the winning candidates who have been elected to represent their peers for the next year. Well done to everyone involved! Co-Presidents & Head Students: Jessica Wilson (Year …

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Volunteering Success

The South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust recently launched a volunteering scheme and many of our students have applied.  Jodie Foster in Year 12 had an interview and was successful in securing a role within Sunderland Royal Hospital. Jodie is planning to study Nursing at university and hopes that the experience she will gain …

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Ernst & Young Offer Work Experience

Representatives from Ernst and Young, and Ernst and Young Foundation visited our Y12 students. They shared an exciting opportunity to sign up for PAID work experience with the company – something usually unheard of! Students have the opportunity to get experience in a range of sectors, from business and tax to cyber security and fraud, …

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