Category: Front Page

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Proven Skills

The Test of Mathematics for University Admission (TMUA) is designed to give students the opportunity to demonstrate that they have the essential mathematical thinking and reasoning skills needed for a demanding undergraduate Mathematics or Mathematics-related course, such as Computer Science or Economics. Adam tempest in Year 13 has taken this test and his score puts him …

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Hosting a Tournament

In the last full week of term our Sixth Form Sport students are running an inter-house tournament. Forms will unite in houses to make a combined 9-a-side football team and compete against the other houses in a world cup themed competition. All houses will play each other with the overall winning house being crowned as …

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Photograms at Sunderland University

Students studying Photography went to Sunderland University to experiment with dark room printing and to create photograms to contribute to their coursework. Craig Ames senior lecturer was impressed with the students first attempts in a dark room environment. We would like to thank Sunderland University for sharing their fantastic facilities and support with our students.

Talking Biology Careers

Mrs Cassells’ biologists and some of the environmental scientists were joined by Dr. Lloyd Potts, a microbiologist involved in exploration and production at Intertek. Lloyd discussed his journey from sixth form to university and beyond with the students, really highlighting how a plan doesn’t always run smoothly and how a career pathway can emerge by …

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Becoming Advisors at PwC

A group of Year 12 Business students had the opportunity to spend the day at the Newcastle offices of PwC (Pricewaterhouse Coopers), the largest professional services firm in the UK and one of the top four worldwide. Students posed as a team of PwC advisors for a client who asked for support to solve a …

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UCAS Update

Our university applicants have received more exciting offers. Several of our students (Estelle Onwuka, Emily Doughty, Leona Barker, Daniel Lewis) have all received offers from Glasgow University, Jessica Robson has received an offer from Sheffield to study Politics and Sociology, Thea Sloanes has received an offer from Manchester University to study Speech and Language Therapy, …

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