Please click the link below to view a letter regarding holidays from Mr S Wright, Director of 6th Form.
Dear Parent/Carer,
I would like to draw your attention, as a reminder, to 2006 Education Regulations (amended 2013): All Leave of Absence can only be authorised if applied for in advance (in law) and if there are exceptional circumstances – family holidays do not constitute as exceptional circumstances.
I am sure you appreciate the importance of AS and A-level studies and the level of commitment needed to be successful. Each subject area has six lessons per week, along with four hours per subject of directed research outside of the classroom. All of this constitutes a phenomenal amount of work.
If students take time off unnecessarily, they will fall behind and progress/attainment will be affected. Students will also experience a great deal of pressure in their attempts to catch up on any missed work, as well as coping with the current week’s workload.
With this in mind, the Sixth Form will not sanction any avoidable absences.
I appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
Yours faithfully,
Sammy Wright
Director of Sixth Form